
Out of State Judgement


Domesticating an
Out of State Judgement


Have you been awarded a judgment against a debtor and the debtor either leaves the state or owns property in another state. How can you collect on your judgment? The prevailing party must domestic the foreign judgment in the state and county of where the defendant resides or where the real property is located. 

Alabama has adopted the Uniform Enforcement of Foreign Judgments Act, which allows a judgment of one state to be enforced in another state, based on the constitutional requirement that "full faith and credit": be given to judgments rendered by other states. 

Before a judgment of one state may be enforced in another state, however, the judgment creditor (the person in whose favor a judgment is entered) must file a new lawsuit in that state to "domesticate" the foreign judgment. What this means is that a creditor has to register his out-of-state judgment in the new state in order to enforce the judgment under the laws of the new state.

The Bales Law Firm is knowledgeable the requirements necessary to domestic a foreign judgment in order that you can have the court enforce the collection of the granted judgment.  There are several steps and procedures required to properly domestic a foreign judgment including: filing a lawsuit; obtaining an exemplified initial court order; providing an affidavit stating that the judgment is final and that the judgment is either wholly or partially unsatisfied; and providing the exact amount due, including costs and interest at the originating state’s rate.

Wining the judgment is only half the battle. The Bales Law Firm can assist you in making the judgment whole. 


Contact The Bales Law Firm to discuss your judgment awarded in another state and how we can be your advocate in collecting what is due to you. 

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