Criminal Defense
Protecting Individual Rights


Criminal Defense

The Bales Law Firm provides defense for accused persons throughout Baldwin County, AL. If you have been accused of or arrested for a crime (or suspect you may be soon), it is advisable to secure legal representation as soon as possible to protect yourself from unfair treatment, violations of your constitutional rights, and the potentially devastating effects of a criminal conviction.


Criminal Defense Areas Of Practice:

Whether you want to expunge a conviction from your record, or have been charged with a felony, misdemeanor, narcotics possession, DUI charge, traffic citation, juvenile case, probation violation, or white-collar offense, The Bales Law Firm advocates to protect your constitutional rights in mounting your defense against unproven charges.

The Consequences Of Criminal Allegations, Charges, And Convictions

Criminal matters of any kind almost universally have adverse effects on the lives and futures of the accused. If you are arrested for, charged with, or convicted of a crime, it will be on your public record and therefore accessible to prospective employers, loan providers, and the public at large. These charges and/or a conviction can make it difficult for you to secure comparable or better employment, eliminate your ability to make a living (depending on your particular line of work and the crime of which you are accused), weaken your standing in child custody matters, and cause various other damages to your personal, social, professional, and financial life.

Even being certain of your innocence, you will need a skilled advocate on your side in order to help present you, your circumstances, and the alleged evidence in the best possible light in order to work to secure a positive solution in your case.


Accused Of A Crime?
Call us immediately.

By waiting or failing to obtain an attorney to represent you quickly, the criminal justice system is provided with an advantage to construct and refine a case against you, potentially diminishing your chances of researching a more favorable resolution to your pending charges. By quickly contacting The Bales Law Firm, you may increase your opportunity of a more favorable outcome to your legal circumstances.

How can we help?
